Swarfega Red Box‚® Heavy-Duty Trade Hand Wipes (150)
The Swarfega‚ heavy-duty trade hand wipes are ideal for cleaning grease,‚ oil and grime‚ from your hands. They make for the perfect‚ mobile washroom when no water is available for hand cleaning. Ideal for‚ use in the workshop,‚ at a‚ work station or in your vehicle when travelling. Contains 150 wipes.‚ ‚
- Quanitiy:‚ 150 heavy-duty wipes‚
- Fast‚ acting‚ to remove oil, grease and general grime‚
- Added conditioner‚ to‚ moisturise‚ the skin
- Handy tub makes for ease of use and storage‚
- Tub Weight: 870g